On behalf of the Pacific Palisades Design Review Board (DRB) thank you for your interest. 

The Pacific Palisades DRB is a Los Angeles City appointed, seven-member, Brown Act entity, charged with conducting official hearing and review for all projects within the Pacific Palisades Commercial Village and Neighborhoods within the Los Angeles City approved specific plan areas. The adopted Pacific Palisades Community Plan and Pacific Palisades Specific Plan can be accessed online at ppdrb.org along with additional relevant documents. As noted the Specific Plan encompasses signage, height, setback, plus a host of other developmental specifications.

The purpose of the DRB is:

1. To ensure development is compatible with the surrounding residential neighborhood and the capacity of the circulation system;

2. To enhance aesthetic qualities of development, protect community oriented uses and enhance the pedestrian orientation of the area;

3. To provide design review guidelines and a process for review and approval;

4. To promote orderly and harmonious development…by prohibiting developments inconsistent with the Specific Plan or inappropriate to their site, surroundings, traffic circulation or environmental setting;

5. To adequately buffer new development from nearby residential users;

6. To assure that the Character of Sunset Blvd (and Pacific Coast Highway) conform to the character of the Commercial Village and Neighborhoods...to assure projects are designed to have an overall unity and beauty, including landscaping enhancing the area's scenic status.

DRB Meetings convene the second and fourth Wednesday evening of each month with public notice and agenda published 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting.

As the City-appointed entity we welcome and look forward to and encourage your comments -- we want and need to hear from you. Attend our meetings and keep up to date by checking our website, www.ppdrb.org.

Design Review Board Members

Richard Blumenberg - Chair

Kevin Bird - Vice Chair

Elynor Chui

Leah M. Cox

Shahram Moghbel

Tammy Mckerrow-Poulos

Brenden Lau - Los Angeles City Planner